Thursday, April 30, 2009

SoCal LoCal

At one hotel in San Francisco, Steve asks for directions to the Marriott downtown but learns that it is the hotel's policy not to give directions to other competing hotels.

"What if I get the address to the hotel, then ask you for directions to the street?", he complains, rummaging through his backpack and tattered maps.

Later at a street carnival, Steve tries his luck at a Midway game. The rules state that a thrown ping-pong ball must come to rest atop a square block. He does so and opens the block to reveal a toy goldfish in a bag of water. Steve exchanges this for five more blocks which he then proceeds to open. Each one contains a cheap plastic leaf, some green, some yellow, some of which the barker informs him are 'rare'.

Steve decides to rent a tent and roller coaster from the nearby amusement park. Inside the tent are arcade games and the roller coaster features corkscrews and loops.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Painting hair planaria.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Party Crash

On their way to the parking lot during lunchtime, the team comments on the weather. One member asks, "Where does Summer come from?"

Steve nonchalantly mumbles, "Summer comes from the Summer box." as he leans over a bite of honey-peanut butter sandwich. Then, so as to not spill any of the oozing honey, tilting his head back looking up to the sky he adds, "Then Summer parks in the Summer garage when Autumn is ready to roll."

Car doors open and team members assemble into groups, Bobby climbs into Mark's Subaru. Steve loses the unspoken game of musical cars and the lot is empty save for an old Mercedes - the car is so ancient that the steering mechanism is a single crank that moves side to side instead of a steering wheel.

Steve barely kisses the car in front of him as the weary thin brakes strain against the weight of the car on a gentle slope at a stop light. The caravan arrives at the video game convention as Amir is setting up the event.

Glistening shiny Pokemon cards adorn the display cases. "Hong Kong knock offs.", scoffs an onlooker.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Faking The Grade

Under the assumed surname, "Aramwa", Stephen enrolls at the University of California's Santa Barbara Campus and takes up residence at Anacapa hall with his brother Timothy as a roommate.

A campus-wide game of Assassin comes to his mind as he passes a whiteboard in the dormitory's common room. Robin Hunicke and Jon Paquette, also residents of the dorm, are still on the list.

Confused as to why he is still enrolled under a false name, Stephen walks into his Discrete Mathematics midterm only to realize that there are many examples he does not know how to do. He spends 75% of the allotted time writing the name 'Riesenberger' on his Nintendo DS Pictochat program in an attempt to transfer the writing to the header of his midterm exam unsuccessfully.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rainy Days

Josh: "You wanna pick up Run DMC tickets? Only five bucks!"
Steve: "Nah. Just take me home please."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Science-fiction of Technology

iPhones can predict the future with new 'forward-looking' technology.

In the app store, users can click on the 'view future purchases' to enter a date and time in the future and get a list of all the predicted user purchases from the current time until then, with each individual purchase stamped with the time down to the second.

Apple uses this information to forecast sales of the iPhone, as well as when to introduce new versions and upgrades, but it is the iPhone application developers who benefit most from this feature:

From the moment a new application is made available to the masses, at the set pricepoint, an iPhone developer can get a pinpoint accurate forecast (to the year 3000) of all future sales of their application, making planning and allocation of resources far easier than in the days before 'forward-looking' technology! It also goes without saying that developers can choose to adjust the price of their application up or down, and see instantaneous changes in the future purchases of their product in order to fine-tune sales, product longevity, and market penetration.

Google is developing a similar functioning technology called 'hindsight' whereby it intends to alter Apple's iPhone sales figures in the past in an attempt to boost sales of its own smart phone.