Saturday, November 12, 2022

Scooter World Tour

It starts off as a basketball / dodge ball tournament with 8 teams of seemingly 100 players each.

I moved over to Team F with the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. We did center court drills with partially deflated basketballs until after dark, when the zombies started to emerge. Then we broke into groups of 4 to survive.

Unfortunately we forget to lock the five double front doors and two zombies shamble through around dawn, prompting the scooter leg of the game.

With reduced gravity settings it’s easy to clear 6-foot gaps, weave perpendicularly through street traffic, and jump over 5-foot hedgerows.

I leaned back after longer and longer jumps, landing gently into a manual on the rear wheel, and riding it for hundreds of feet down the sidewalk.

I began to lose consciousness after leaping into a multiplayer frozen river section. The graphics changed into 8-bit and the camera angle switched from 3rd person to top down. There were too many player to player collisions and not enough tricks.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Elevator 7B

Nobody can tell me the location of this elevator.

Staff and I look at a map while teenagers roughhouse across a counter.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Plane to Oklahoma

It’s really a small office with a bed in the back corner.

Two other passengers fall asleep before the flight.

I flip on the light to read and a giant cat slinks down the hallway.