Sunday, November 9, 2008

Text Adventure Reality TV

A text log scrolls along the bottom of the screen while actors in a Reality TV show carry out the instructions in real-time. In an atrium at the center of one of P-Diddy's mansions, a Vanessa tastes a Capri-Sun, decides she doesn't like it, then shoves it into Carlos' mouth. Steve asks her what her favorite drink is and she responds, "Stoli". Steve exits the atrium to the >EAST and takes a >LOOK around.

A number of men and women are performing yoga in an indoor gymnasium. The female instructor is topless. Double doors lead >NORTH

Steve is in a room over a garage. In a corner of the room a dog-nosed boy watches a television as his nanny looks on. "I in here," says the boy. A long hallway leads away to the >WEST

Steve runs down the long hallway, side-stepping the receptionist in a dog-leg of the hall. The hallway bends to the >SOUTH and Steve emerges into an atrium. Doorways lead off in 4 directions. He hears the sound of approaching running footsteps so he decides to jump >DOWN through an opening in the ceiling panels below.

Steve is in the midst of a collection of office cubicles that are tracking the subscriptions of the women on Morgan Street in Flagstaff Arizona. The office workers notice Steve as he remarks, "I just set up my account last week!"