Joey and Dad visit shopping malls around the world.
At a Japanese mall, Marianne and Diana join Joey and Dad. Shoppers can rent a Skitter-like shopping 'racer' that has room for one adult and 1 child (with room for purchases). Joey and Dad enjoy swiftly coasting through the linoleum-covered floors, dodging walking shoppers and bumping into other Skitter riders.
In pods of eight racers, shoppers can also participate in several video game scenarios by wheeling into brightly lit multicolored elevators.
Joey and Dad fight valiantly against their on-screen adversaries along with seven other groups in Skitters. The gameplay consists of quick cuts of Japanese anime styled robots and Power Rangers protagonists battling.
It turns out that Marianne and Diana returned their Skitter racer and became separated from Joey and Dad. Dad borrows a friendly local's cel phone but is unsuccessful in calling Marianne's phone, becoming lost in the esoteric menu system.
Dad wheels through corridor, elevators and ramps into a meeting room where Ben Smith agonizes over last night's homework assignment entitled '10 most common math mistakes'.