Wednesday, August 26, 2009

London Back Alleys

The driver of a black triple-decker bus operates the vehicle from the third floor. He is a chauffeur following another livery vehicle, a Mercedes. I marvel at his instinctual dexterity which allows him to deftly manoeuvre through traffic and around roundabouts in the clockwise direction.

After exiting the bus, on the sidewalk I see a column of brightly-coloured couples - men and women - in 5 matched pairs dressed in fuchsia, mauve, chartreuse, burgundy, and turquoise unitards. The males are costumed in inflatable outfits which make them resemble walking fruits.

Rounding a corner, I stumble upon an altercation that turns violent, the dark-skinned, wall-eyed instigator complaining why onlookers - myself included - aren't interested in joining her cause. Just then I glance down to a drainage underpass in time to see a Jeep roll through ankle-deep water being chased by a dirty white dog. The Jeep and dog splash by in the opposite direction, then emerge on the street surface a few metres ahead. The Jeep literally corners the dog in a parking lot.

Rolling onto the scene, a Toyota minivan arrives with a damaged passenger-side sliding door. The driver of the van opens the damaged sliding door from the inside (I note that he's tanned to withering, wearing only green briefs) and asks a bystander how much it will cost to repair the damage.